Generating traffic is one of the most frequent questions for any internet marketer. The more traffic you have, the more visitors you get to your site and the more money you make. One way to increase traffic and search engine rankings is through article marketing and local article domination.
Attract Visitors
If your article is published in the right place, it can bring lots of referral traffic to your website. For example, if you publish your article on a website that gets hundreds of thousands of visitors each day, there is a good chance that some of them will end up on your site.
Build an Online Reputation
Trusting people on the internet is not common, simply because no one has seen or heard of the person before. If you are constantly publishing high quality content on the web, you will be able to build up a reputation and cause visitors to trust your website and any products you may be offering. However, you should remember to use the same author name for each of your articles and add a picture.
Linking Strength
Search engines like Google heavily judge their ranking on the number of links that point to a website. If you have hundreds of articles pointing back to your website, it will boost search engine traffic and significantly increase the number of visitors who frequent your website.
Strengthening Your Own Website
If you write an article that provides quality, useful information, then other people will naturally want to link to it. Eventually, you may have thousands of people who link back to your website simply because they want to refer to the quality content you have. This process will take some time, but the results will be long term.
Pre-sells Products
Visitors rarely purchase an item they’ve never heard of. Usually, they’ll need to be convinced why they need the product and why your offer is better than competitors. If you are selling your own products, write about those products in a convincing and positive manner. This will help visitors to make informed decision about what to buy and will increase your sales revenue.
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