Network marketing is a strategy for building and expanding a business through a network of independent representatives who contrary to traditional methods are not limited to designated areas and territories. It relies on the theory that word of mouth endorsements coming from people we know and trust (family and friends) are powerful marketing and advertising tools. Everyone realizes that working for someone else can’t make one rich. However, building a business through network marketing offers one the chance to attain financial freedom with minimal entry cost
Network marketing has a few of advantages. You can work from home anytime you want. The amount of work you are willing to handle all depends on you. You also get to choose the people whom you want to be associated and work with. Most important, it allows you to reap all the benefits from your efforts. It has opened the opportunity to be financially independent for many. The concept is not about bugging your family and friends to make a sale. It is the ability to know who from within your network would most likely benefit and be interested in your product. This information alone can determine the level of success or failure of the business.
The profits one can reap using the strategy can be exponential depending on the number of associates he has sponsored or recruited to sell the product. It allows him to profit not only from what he directly sells but from those he has recruited as well.
In the recent past, network marketing has been tainted by scams. However, this does not mean that all companies using network marketing strategies are illegal. Those interested in joining a networking company may want to consider a few factors. These would include; how long has the company been in business? How much do they charge as start-up fees? Do they accept product returns? Do they invest in training and development?
The answers to these simple questions will give you an indication whether the networking company is legitimate or not. Like any other business, anyone who is serious in building a business must learn business fundamentals, development, marketing techniques and strategies.
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